School Proyect


“Reservation Machupicchu” believes that it is important to give the Andean peoples, of the Andean highlands living in the most isolated mountain regions of Cusco, the opportunity to see faces of joy and that there is a company that thinks about them. People in these communities have been marginalized in some cases by society and may lack basic needs in their communities such as education, health services, adequate food and housing, etc. It is sad that millions of foreigners now have the opportunity to do tourism and that the populated centers do not have at least one granite of that veneficio by the state.

The year, 2018, “Reservation Machupicchu” offered the students of the community of Cucani, one of the highest mountainous regions of Cusco. A support of schoolchildren. The children had never had the support of an institution because it was an isolated community.
We would appreciate your support in these social projects of “Reservation Machupicchu”. You can do this by booking tours with us (we use some of the funds for social projects), of course, donations will also be greatly appreciated!

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